Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Ski Trip 2012

I had the great pleasure of attending the 2012 Senior School Ski Trip on Friday.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank Kelly Sheppard for organising this wonderful EOTC activity for our children.  Thanks also to our team of parents and staff who made the day a great success! This team spent the day encouraging children, picking children up off the snow and those parents and teachers who knew how to ski taught the children after the group lessons finished.
During this trip I was impressed with the behavior of our children and their determination to succeed!  When I praised a child at the end of the day for her determination, she replied, 'you never give up, Ms Keenan!'  She didn't give up, and she ACHIEVED!
It was great to see our children following our Burnham School values!
Sandra Keenan
Acting Principal


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