Term 2, has been a very busy term, the children have visited Ferrymead, dressed
in period costume, ridden on a tram, competed at our Cross Country, met
and played ball with the Crusaders, been given a new vest, and a
survival torch and even played in the snow! All senior school children
competed at the soccer and hockey tournament. Some children attended
zone cross country and triathlon, have ridden their bikes on the bike
track and competed in our very own Next-Factor. Almost all children
have now received their first report using National Standards.
Without the support of our parent community and hardworking dedicated
staff many of these learning opportunities could not have taken place!
Thank you for all you have done to support our children and their
learning over the last 10 weeks!
Rest up over the holidays everyone, as Term 3 is likely to be just as
exciting, rewarding and busy!
PTA Update:
sale of Takeaway Meals from the Burnham Fish and Chip Shop will go
towards reducing the cost of school trips. All proceeds from the PTA
sausage sizzles will now go towards the purchase of outside games and
equipment for our children.
Burnham Dollar Prize Draw:
At our assembly last Thursday we had our very first ‘End of Term
Burnham Dollar Prize Draw’. The School Leaders' Council organised the
prizes for the draw. The council organised a Mufti Day to help with
the cost of purchasing the prizes. Corin Shaw from Hot Shots also very
kindly donated a huge box of prizes.
Our children are now working very hard to earn Burnham Dollars.
Children are picking up rubbish without being asked, opening doors for
adults, using their manners and displaying fantastic work habits.
Thanks to Linda Sweeny and her team (The School Leaders' Council) for
making the Burnham Dollar initiative so successful!
Preparations are well underway for Term 3:
Staff spent today (Monday 2nd July) planning yet another exciting term!
During Term 3 our Senior School will be going on a school Ski Trip
(optional), and performing at the Cultural Festival in town. The
Junior School will be going along to the Cultural Festival to watch.
We will also be visiting Coes Ford once again to continue our efforts
to help restore the river by planting trees. Chris Thurlow is
organizing this trip. Chris has already managed to secure funding to
pay for the majority of the cost of the buses! Well done!
Shalagh and Finnly, with the assistance of the PTA are planning a
Disco on Friday the 17th August. Keep this date free!
Kind regards
Sandra Keenan
Acting Principal
Sandra Keenan
Acting Principal
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