Financial assistance is available through emergency civil defence grants. These are administered by Work and Income but you do not need to be a WINZ client to qualify, everyone in need is eligible and this may assist with some of the extra costs you may be facing. Contact your local WINZ office (Hornby and Ashburton will the closest for most of you). Red Cross are also making emergency grants to those in need, phone 0800 754 726 for information or go to
For any other assistance you need please phone the Govt helpline of 0800 779997 or contact Amy Adams' office - 03 344 0418.
Following are some links to useful resources we've compiled for parents, children and staff. We hope you benefit from them.
Links for Supporting Parents and Kids:
- Variety children's charity - or call 09 520 4111 to apply for funding for things like warm clothing and bedding for the coming winter, essential childcare items, school fees and uniforms, toys and replacement mobility and medical equipment.
- article 'Children need routines..."
- Safe & Sound site which has great advice for kids of different ages.
- Burnham School Helping Hands - noticeboard to request or offer support to others.
- Burnham School email list signup form
- - excellent handouts on helping kids cope, also has contacts for parents
- What's The Plan Stan - really well put together site for children including DROP, COVER and HOLD which is the approach we are taking at school.
- Whenmyhomeshook - great site which encourages kids to tell share their stories. In the following ways:
- How they overcame hardship and personally coped with the disaster
- How they supported one another
- How there community came together
- Ministry of Education advice on coping with traumatic incidents
- Ministry of Health advice on coping with stress, includes 10 factsheets which are excellent resources
- HELP - or phone 0800 435 700
More coming soon.