Friday, 2 December 2011

Staffing Update - Welcome Whāea Sam



I'm pleased to announce the appointment of Susanne (Sam) Walker as the new kaiako for Ruma Whitu. Sam comes to us from Branston Intermediate and is an experienced teacher with many talents to share with us. Sam has expertise in kapa haka and te reo me tikanga māori. Welcome to the team Sam!
Kia ora Te kura o Tiori,

I am so excited about being part of the Burnham whanau for 2012 and beyond.  My role will be in Te Reo and Kapahaka. 

I have been teaching for 15 years and have taught and experienced so many things that I am looking to bring to your community.  I am very much involved in music and am keen to get involved and help out.

I am an enthusiastic sports person- golf, cycling, swimming, and I like to get involved in everything that’s going. I am looking forward to meeting you all

Whāea Sam Walker

Thursday, 1 December 2011

2012 Reports & Tentative Class Placements

School reports are coming out next Thursday along with the tentative class placement for your child next year. We've decided to put the class placement letter in the same envelope as the 2011 Report so that parents don't miss these important documents. 

I ask that parents are the ones to open reports with their child so that this doesn't get missed! Please remember that staff have worked really hard to capture the key learning from the year for each and every student, they have checked with the 3 Wishes information and goal setting from throughout the year. If you find you don't understand or even disagree with any part(s) of the report, it is important you let the teacher know and make a time for a phone call or a chat. 

Similarly with class placements, this is a complex process and so placements are tentative for the first week or two into the new school year. This is the first time we've done class placements at this time of year and so they may change based on new enrollments or leavers at the start of the 2012 school year. Our aim is to help ensure a smoother transition into the new school year by doing this. Plus stationery can be pre-ordered using our new online ordering system which Trish will update you on soon.

As always, if you have questions, concerns or worries about this - talk to your teacher or me and we will be happy to see how we can best meet the needs of your child(ren). Thank you to those who completed the intentions for next year survey which gave us good information to make the best placement possible.

Staffing Update - welcome Lucy Ellery

I'm pleased to announce that Burnham School has managed to establish a new cluster focussed on strengthening sports teaching and sport involvement between Burnham, Ladbrooks and Lincoln Primary Schools. This is a part-time position which is funded partly through the KiwiSport funding provided to schools each year as well as a contribution by each Board of Trustees. 
Lucy Ellery - Sports Co-ordinator
Lucy brings with her a wealth of experience in sport organisation, teaching and coaching. Initially Lucy is familiarising herself with each school and has already worked with our senior students. Through support from Sport Canterbury Lucy will establish strong club links with Lincoln and the surrounding areas to help build pathways for pupils outside of school hours.

Starting next year our Year 7/8s will travel to Lincoln for Technology instruction on Fridays so they can compete and play sports each Friday afternoon against a wider pool of competitors from the three schools. Lucy will also be helping staff at each school design richer experiences for developing sports and physical education programmes. Welcome Lucy!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Burnham School - PTA Calendars/Diaries, Intentions, Reports, Classes 2012, Camp

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Burnham School - Te Kura o Tiori
Term 4 Week 5 Updates

Whanau Hui - next Wednesday 5pm in the Camp Whare
Next Wednesday is our annual Whanau Hui. This hui is a chance to discuss Maori education at our school and everyone is welcome. Please bring a plate of kai to share if you can - the school will also provide some food. Please bring the kids too.

PTA Calender and Diary orders are due to the office by 3pm Friday 2nd Dec.

Intentions & Classes for Next Year
Thanks everyone who has let us know of your intentions for next year. This helps with sorting out class lists, which we hope to let you know by the end of this year also - this is the first time Burnham School has done this in a long time so we hope this will make the start of 2012 easier for our tamariki!

If you have not yet done this, please go to: and let us know!

Teachers are busily writing reports and so we will be sending these important documents home soon. As always, if you have questions or concerns please contact your class teacher.

Staffing Updates
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Susanne (Sam) Walker as kaiako for Room 7 next year. Sam brings with her a wealth of experience in teaching and comes to us a kaiawhina at Branston Intermediate. Welcome Sam!

We are also pleased to announce the appointment of a new position which is shared between Burnham, Ladbrooks and Lincoln Schools. We have managed to create a position of Sports Co-ordinator with the intention of setting up a cluster between our three schools for competitions, professional development of staff, special events and more. Lucy Ellery has been appointed to this exciting new position.

For more details of both these exciting appointments, please visit the Principal Blog at

Elections - Education Policy for each party
Here is a short article with links to each major political party's education policy. Interesting...

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Respect - Achievement - Responsibility - Strength/Self-Belief

Whaikoha - Angitu - Tikanga - Whakapono/Wairua/Tuturu

Te Kura o Tiori - Burnham School
Chaytor Ave, Burnham
t: 03 347 6851 e: w:

Ka tu to kura hei whakahoa te akoranga - Our school is a place for partnership in learning.
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Whanau Hui 2011 Wednesday 30 November 5pm @ the Camp Whare

Nau mai, haere mai ngā whānau katoa  ki te hui "Mātauranga o ngā ākonga Māori o Te Kura o Tiori" ki te whare o te 'Whānau a Tūmatauenga o Tiori'.

Welcome families of Te Kura o Tiori to the whare of Tūmatauenga o Tiori for the purpose of a hui about the future of education for our māori tamariki.

This hui is for all those interested in māori education in our community. We will share back progress since our last hui and looking to the future. 

Invited speakers include kaumātua from Taumutu and Burnham Camp.
The school will be putting on some kai/food for dinner after a mihi whakatau. Families are welcome to bring a plate to share if they wish. Tamariki are welcome! 

Please let us know numbers attending for catering purposes.

Host Family Opportunities 2012


Student Exchange Australia New Zealand is a not-for-profit organisation registered with the New Zealand Ministry of Education. You can find out more by visiting
In January 2012 Student Exchange Australia New Zealand Ltd will be receiving exchange students from Japan, Europe, the USA and Latin America. The new arrivals will live with a host family and attend a local school for 2-10 months.
They are keen to hear from suitable families located in New Zealand who might be interested to host a student. Host families come in all shapes and sizes, backgrounds and ages. To this end, we would again be grateful if you would place a notice in your newsletter/bulletin or mention it on your website. Please note that all our host families are interviewed in their homes and carefully checked for suitability.
All students have at least basic levels of English, would attend a school in your local area and live the life of a local. Our group of students cover a wide variety of interests and hobbies. If you would like to provide your students, parents or language teachers with further information on our inbound students you can also download some student profiles in PDF Format. This is just a small sample of all the students who will be arriving. Our staff members will be happy to discuss which student might be best suited to a family.
Hosting an exchange student can be a truly rewarding experience. It allows a family to experience a foreign culture first hand, be exposed to a new language and pass on a bit of our own culture. They might even make a friend for life!
“It’s been a fantastic experience so far...It’s been great having an older brother for our young kids. Simon has been a fantastic role model...Simon helps around the house a lot. One of the first things he said to us during the first couple of days he was here was what should my chores be? I was delighted to hear him say that.” Victoria, Host Mum
"Hosting Kirstine has brought our family closer together. We’re doing things we used to do when our kids were little, like boiling the billy, having a BBQ and baking apples up the paddock. She’s helped us remember how to have fun when we’re working and take time out for adventures.” Sharon, Host Mum
"Being the youngest and the only one left at home I was looking forward to having another teenager in the house. While Charlotte helps me with my French I help her with her English lessons and I have taught her many Aussie words and sayings. We both love to shop and shop and shop..." Grace, Host Sister
If you have any questions about hosting an exchange student or would like to view profiles of students arriving from other countries, you can either respond to this email or call our office on 0800 440 079. No obligation.
Nick Lorentzen
National Director
Suite 2590, PO Box 83000, Wellington 6440 New Zealand
Tel: 0800-440079
Fax: 0800-440079

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Election links for education

This is a re-mixed post from a NZ Principals' Federation email received recently. It has ideas and thoughts about the upcoming election for your interest:
The past three years have been trying for education as we have watched much of what so dear to us come under fire. Our NZC is seen as the jewel in our education system’s crown and we are just beginning to see the benefits of all the hard work schools and communities have put into developing a world class curriculum. 
Our system is excellent and up with the very best in the world. We sit alongside Singapore, Finland and Shanghai, all countries which invest significantly more in education than our own government does.  Everything about the new curriculum is about ensuring every single child, regardless of their abilities or capabilities will have an education best suited to their needs. The curriculum is premised on the belief that every child is unique, learning does not progress in a straight line and every child will learn in their own way and at their own pace. Of course we assess and monitor progress along the way and of course children’s progress is reported to you as parents regularly. 
The logical next step to complement our excellent NZC is better and more effective ways to bring more children into our achievement statistics.  It deeply concerns NZPF that NZ has too many of some groups of children not achieving well and we want to improve teaching methods for any children who find learning a challenge. Rather than funding professional development for excellent strategies like Ka Hikitia and Te Kotahitanga for primary schools which could make a significant difference for achievement this government has spent millions on the policy of National Standards.  
As we proceed into the election campaign, we see the National Party’s position.  As all other political parties launch their education policies we are seeing the views of the real public of New Zealand coming through. 
This link gives a brief summary of education policies of all the parties currently in government, you can also access full education policies through the party website links. I suggest you check it out! 
Party website links to education policies: 

Monday, 14 November 2011

Keeping Ourselves Safe Parent Seminar 10 Nov


Dear whānau,

On Thursday we had 13 parents attend the seminar about our Keeping Ourselves Safe programme. This is a national programme run in conjunction wth schools and NZ Police. We hope you found it useful and interesting in your role of supporting the staff to help our children learn to be more safe as they learn and grow. Here is the presentation for those who were unable to make it:

Thanks to Chris Thurlow for supporting this important topic for our parents and children. Meg Moynihan, our community constable, begins the programme today.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Burnham School - Intentions 2012 (correct link)

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Burnham School - Te Kura o Tiori
Intentions 2012
Here is the correct link!

Sorry team, please ensure you complete this short survey by Friday next week.

Also, well done Makanui for your zones results!!

Kind regards,

Rob Clarke
Tumuake - Principal

Respect - Achievement - Responsibility - Strength/Self-Belief

Whaikoha - Angitu - Tikanga - Whakapono/Wairua/Tuturu

Te Kura o Tiori - Burnham School
Chaytor Ave, Burnham
t: 03 347 6851 e: w:

Ka tu to kura hei whakahoa te akoranga - Our school is a place for partnership in learning.
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Burnham School - Intentions 2012, EXPO, Parent Seminar, Zones Success

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Burnham School - Te Kura o Tiori

EXPO of Learning Thursday 5.30-7pm

We had a fantastic turn out to our annual EXPO of Learning last week - nearly double than last year! Thank you whanau for supporting us in the growth of your child's learning.

Classes & Intentions 2012


Every family is asked to please complete a short survey to let us know of your plans for next year. 
We'd would love your ideas to help us in making the best possible placement for your child. We also need to know if you are moving away from Burnham School so we can plan classes for next year.

We are hoping that if more than 75% of families complete this survey that we will be able to let you know class placements by the end of this term!
This survey should take approximately 3 minutes per child. Please complete this survey by the end of next week, Friday 18 November.
Thank you for your help,
Rob Clarke
Tūmuake - Principal
Parent Seminar Keeping Ourselves Safe Tomorrow 2-3pm in the Library

This is your last chance to register for this important seminar for parents about our Keeping Ourselves Safe personal safety programme. Please RSVP using this form so we know who is coming.

Coffee/tea and childcare is provided. Please come to the library for a 2pm start.

Athletics Zones Results
We are very proud of our athletes! Well done to:

  • Taleah - 2nd in discus and shot
  • Olivia - 3rd in shot
  • Joseph T - 1st in relay, 2nd long jump and 3rd in 100m sprint
  • Joseph C - 1st in 1200m, 1st in relay and 3rd in discus
  • Cameron - 1st in 60m sprint, 3rd in high jump
  • Tyron - 2nd in discus

Burnham's Got Talent Photos

Science Alive Photos

Rugby World Cup Photos

Coes Ford Tree Planting Day Photos

Temporary Gardener/Maintenance Person Required

We require a temporary gardener and maintenance person. Please send Rob an email ( or come in for a chat if you are able to offer some hours each week to the school.

If any parents are able to offer voluntary hours for gardening work we'd love to hear from you!

Respect - Achievement - Responsibility - Strength/Self-Belief

Whaikoha - Angitu - Tikanga - Whakapono/Wairua/Tuturu

Te Kura o Tiori - Burnham School
Chaytor Ave, Burnham
t: 03 347 6851 e: w:

Ka tu to kura hei whakahoa te akoranga - Our school is a place for partnership in learning.
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EXPO of Learning Photos


We had a fantastic turn out to our annual EXPO of Learning last week - nearly double than last year! Thank you whanau for supporting us in the growth of your child's learning.

Zones Athletics Results - we are proud

We are really proud of the all our talented athletes who took part in last weeks Athletics zones. Here are the results:

Well done team! Thank you Linda Sweeny for organising the zones and all the parents who were able to help out on the day.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Expo of Learning 2011

Burnham Home
Burnham School - Te Kura o Tiori
Expo of Learning Programme
5.30-7pm Thursday 3 November
Burnham School Ampitheatre

  Come along and celebrate your child(ren)'s learning!

The purpose of our annual EXPO of Learning is a great chance for parents/caregivers and whanau to come into the classroom to view examples of our children's learning. 
5.30pm Karakia/Waiata, Welcome and Introductions
5.35pm Performance -Jump Jam Performance and Canterbury Can
Class Tours: including evidence of science/technology investigations.6.15pm Dinner - subway or bring a picnic6.35pm Family Fun Challenge - come prepared for a good one this year!6.55pm Prizes for the Fun Family Challenge7pm Farewells
        • Please return your subway order form to the office by 9am Thursday (tomorrow) so Trish can process orders ready for the evening.
        • If parents have questions about their child's learning or any aspect of class programmes, please make a time with your child's class teacher.
        • If the weather is poor, dinner will be in the classrooms and the Family Fun Challenge will be in the hall.

Friday, 28 October 2011

World Teachers Day today


Today is World Teachers Day - please take some time to reflect on and consider providing our amazing kaiako - teachers with a positive.
Check out this web site and have your say about Education to show your support of our teachers at Burnham but also all other teachers around NZ

Halloween Party Saturday 29 Oct


Teens Halloween Party

Saturday, October 29, 8.30 pm to 11 pm

Burnham Community Centre,  Entry Fee $3

Entry to Military teens and their invited friends only!

 Kids Halloween Party

Saturday, October 29,

4.30 pm to 7.00 pm

Burnham Community Centre

Entry Fee $2 

Limited to 150 tickets

Download/print invite flyer

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Keeping Ourselves Safe Parent Seminar - Thursday 10 Nov 2-3pm


This is one of the booklets
that teachers work with.
We are running a seminar for parents to give an overview of this important topic which the entire school is focussed on from week 3. 
KOS is a personal safety programme and we will share what it is, why it is important and what is taught. We require minimum 10 parents to run this seminar because we run this in conjunction with NZ Police. More information about KOS in next weeks newsletter or

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Burnham School - Music Extravaganza Wed 7pm

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Burnham School - Te Kura o Tiori
Music Extravaganza Wed evening 7pm

Dear Te Kura o Tiori whanau,

Tomorrow night, Wed 5th at the Burnham Army Camp Community Hall is our Music Extravaganza 'Right Here Right Now!' This event is for all family members from our school community and so everyone is invited.

The cost is free for children and $5 per adult. Funds raised will go towards musical equipment for classrooms.

Performers are to be there at 6:30pm. Please and could all musicians bring their instruments and music on Wednesday morning for their last rehearsal. Thank you for your cooperation.

Please bring a plate for supper to share if you are able to. School will provide hot drinks.

Raffle on the night with prizes donated by local businesses
Liz has been busy approaching local businesses to give donations for a raffle and has had a fantastic response so PLEASE bring along some cash

We hope to see you there!

How to get there...
The hall is located on Freyberg Road in Burnham Camp, next to the Four Square.

View Larger Map
Respect - Achievement - Responsibility - Strength/Self-Belief

Whaikoha - Angitu - Tikanga - Whakapono/Wairua/Tuturu

Te Kura o Tiori - Burnham School
Chaytor Ave, Burnham
t: 03 347 6851 e: w:

Ka tu to kura hei whakahoa te akoranga - Our school is a place for partnership in learning.
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School Athletics Sports postponed until Thursday 6th


Due to poor weather we are postponing our athletics sports until this coming Thursday.


If this poor weather continues, we'll advise a new date.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Burnham School - Athletics Sports, Music Extravaganza & ERO Report

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Burnham School - Te Kura o Tiori
Updates Term 3 - Week 9
School Athletics next Tuesday

Please come and support our athletics sports next Tuesday. Events start at 9.20 and run through the day until approximately 2pm. Students are to wear their house colour.

Music Extravaganza next Wed 7pm

Next Wednesday we are holding our celebration fundraiser at the Burnham Camp Community Hall, starting at 7pm. It is free for children and $5 per adult.

Please bring a plate to share for supper if you are able to.

Performers need to come at 6.30 to get set up.

Portfolios Come Home Today

Please celebrate the great progress your child has made in sharing the portfolios. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your class teacher to make a time to chat.

PTA Reminders

All money for chocolate sales is due back to the office next Wednesday, October 5th. Louise will be collecting this just after 9.30am. All chocolates not sold must be returned - but we'd prefer the cash ;-)

Parents of children who do not return either the money or chocolates will receive a reminder note on the Wednesday.

As put out last week, if you've experienced any problems with this fundraiser, please contact us at: and Louise will respond. 

We have sold approximately $1300 worth of chocolates so far. This money is going towards outside PE & play equipment for all children.

Next PTA meeting is Tuesday 25th October @ 6.30pm in the staffroom.

Thank you for your support.

ERO Report Published

Our Education Review Office report is now published and live for your enjoyment. Click here to find out more and get the full report...

Here are some quotes about our school:

"Teachers are focused on improving learning and teaching."

"Positive relationships and high expectations support students’ progress and achievement."

"Students are able to discuss their own learning and their next steps."

"...innovative approaches to integrate ICT..."

"Through blogs and e-portfolios, students are taking greater responsibility for their learning..."

"The board, principal and staff have strengthened the position of the school to continually improve its performance."

Respect - Achievement - Responsibility - Strength/Self-Belief

Whaikoha - Angitu - Tikanga - Whakapono/Wairua/Tuturu

Te Kura o Tiori - Burnham School
Chaytor Ave, Burnham
t: 03 347 6851 e: w:

Ka tu to kura hei whakahoa te akoranga - Our school is a place for partnership in learning.
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Volunteers needed for tree planting day - 8th Oct


Volunteers are needed for a planting day on Saturday October 8th at Mitchell’s Rd Mudfish Restoration. You’ll need to get yourselves there, but all equipment is supplied, along with morning tea and lunch!

Te Ara Kakariki are organising the day and all details are included in the registration kit, however, you will need to send an email to register@ to let them know you are coming.

Mitchell’s Rd is a very important restoration site for WET – find out more about the site here.

This planting day is the final phase of the Canterbury Plantout – already this has involved 150 students, staff and parents from Burnham school and over 200 community volunteers in planting 3,800 native plants at 14 different sites.

Mitchell’s Rd is one site that couldn’t be included in the Plantout weekend in September so we’re having another planting day – hope you can make it.


Thursday, 29 September 2011

ERO Success for Burnham School


Recently the ERO team were at Burnham School.  Our school has had a positive report and the ERO team were impressed with the quality of learning our children are getting at Burnham School.  The Board, Staff and ERO team agree that the next step for the school is to report against the National Standards.  The staff are well on the way to meeting this target for next year.  The full report is available on the ERO website or you can download it by clicking here...
The Board of Trustees would like to thank the Principal and Staff for all the hard work they put in preparing for this review and for the great teaching and learning programmes that the children at Burnham School receive.  The Board would also like to thank the parents and students who participated in the review so that the ERO team got a full understanding of our school.
Here are some quotes from ERO:

"Teachers are focused on improving learning and teaching."

"Positive relationships and high expectations support students’ progress and achievement."

"Students are able to discuss their own learning and their next steps."

"...innovative approaches to integrate ICT..."

"Through blogs and e-portfolios, students are taking greater responsibility for their learning..."

"The board, principal and staff have strengthened the position of the school to continually improve its performance."

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Access to School Dental Services over the October school holiday period


The Community Dental Service has a contract to provide an emergency dental service for pre-schoolers and primary school children over the school holiday period. The service is limited to the relief of acute pain only and will operate from 8:30am until 12:30pm from the Hillmorton Community Clinic, Sylvan Street, Christchurch for the following times.

Monday, 10th October – Friday 21st October (excluding weekends) 


Routine treatment will not be offered/available over the holidays and any accident related issues will be referred to Community Dentists as per usual practise.


We would appreciate it if you could place the following notice in newsletters until the end of term to inform parents of these arrangements. If you wish to discuss any aspect of this letter please do not hesitate to contact me. Many thanks for your ongoing support of the Community Dental Service.