Student Exchange Australia New Zealand is a not-for-profit organisation registered with the New Zealand Ministry of Education. You can find out more by visiting
In January 2012 Student Exchange Australia New Zealand Ltd will be receiving exchange students from Japan, Europe, the USA and Latin America. The new arrivals will live with a host family and attend a local school for 2-10 months.
They are keen to hear from suitable families located in New Zealand who might be interested to host a student. Host families come in all shapes and sizes, backgrounds and ages. To this end, we would again be grateful if you would place a notice in your newsletter/bulletin or mention it on your website. Please note that all our host families are interviewed in their homes and carefully checked for suitability.
All students have at least basic levels of English, would attend a school in your local area and live the life of a local. Our group of students cover a wide variety of interests and hobbies. If you would like to provide your students, parents or language teachers with further information on our inbound students you can also download some student profiles in PDF Format. This is just a small sample of all the students who will be arriving. Our staff members will be happy to discuss which student might be best suited to a family.
Hosting an exchange student can be a truly rewarding experience. It allows a family to experience a foreign culture first hand, be exposed to a new language and pass on a bit of our own culture. They might even make a friend for life!
“It’s been a fantastic experience so far...It’s been great having an older brother for our young kids. Simon has been a fantastic role model...Simon helps around the house a lot. One of the first things he said to us during the first couple of days he was here was what should my chores be? I was delighted to hear him say that.” Victoria, Host Mum
"Hosting Kirstine has brought our family closer together. We’re doing things we used to do when our kids were little, like boiling the billy, having a BBQ and baking apples up the paddock. She’s helped us remember how to have fun when we’re working and take time out for adventures.” Sharon, Host Mum
"Being the youngest and the only one left at home I was looking forward to having another teenager in the house. While Charlotte helps me with my French I help her with her English lessons and I have taught her many Aussie words and sayings. We both love to shop and shop and shop..." Grace, Host Sister
If you have any questions about hosting an exchange student or would like to view profiles of students arriving from other countries, you can either respond to this email or call our office on 0800 440 079. No obligation.
Nick Lorentzen
National Director
Suite 2590, PO Box 83000, Wellington 6440 New Zealand
Tel: 0800-440079
Fax: 0800-440079
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