Thursday, 1 December 2011

Staffing Update - welcome Lucy Ellery

I'm pleased to announce that Burnham School has managed to establish a new cluster focussed on strengthening sports teaching and sport involvement between Burnham, Ladbrooks and Lincoln Primary Schools. This is a part-time position which is funded partly through the KiwiSport funding provided to schools each year as well as a contribution by each Board of Trustees. 
Lucy Ellery - Sports Co-ordinator
Lucy brings with her a wealth of experience in sport organisation, teaching and coaching. Initially Lucy is familiarising herself with each school and has already worked with our senior students. Through support from Sport Canterbury Lucy will establish strong club links with Lincoln and the surrounding areas to help build pathways for pupils outside of school hours.

Starting next year our Year 7/8s will travel to Lincoln for Technology instruction on Fridays so they can compete and play sports each Friday afternoon against a wider pool of competitors from the three schools. Lucy will also be helping staff at each school design richer experiences for developing sports and physical education programmes. Welcome Lucy!


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