Monday, 2 April 2012

Digital Safety Guidelines - final draft

Please find below the final draft for our Digital Safety Guidelines for our school. This document has been in draft form for the last couple of weeks as we've asked for feedback from parents. We've considered the feedback and included it as follows in this document:
  1. One suggestion was to make the student rules more positive as they read as a long list of 'do nots'. We've altered most of the rules for students - some (eg. do not look up inappropriate material on the Internet), remain as do nots!
  2. Another query related to the legality of us asking for student and parent signatures on a document that could be seen as a legal document (as it is signed), and would therefore require re-signing after every revision. Our intention in requiring a signature is to ensure the document is given importance. We've decided to only ask for a complete re-signing if the content is dramatically altered. We've also decided to give families adequate notice of any upcoming revisions and improvements to the document.
Below is the final draft document which will be put out for signing by every student and family day one of Term Two. If you want to be ahead of the game you may download the document here, prior to it coming home.


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