Friday, 2 December 2011

Staffing Update - Welcome Whāea Sam



I'm pleased to announce the appointment of Susanne (Sam) Walker as the new kaiako for Ruma Whitu. Sam comes to us from Branston Intermediate and is an experienced teacher with many talents to share with us. Sam has expertise in kapa haka and te reo me tikanga māori. Welcome to the team Sam!
Kia ora Te kura o Tiori,

I am so excited about being part of the Burnham whanau for 2012 and beyond.  My role will be in Te Reo and Kapahaka. 

I have been teaching for 15 years and have taught and experienced so many things that I am looking to bring to your community.  I am very much involved in music and am keen to get involved and help out.

I am an enthusiastic sports person- golf, cycling, swimming, and I like to get involved in everything that’s going. I am looking forward to meeting you all

Whāea Sam Walker

Thursday, 1 December 2011

2012 Reports & Tentative Class Placements

School reports are coming out next Thursday along with the tentative class placement for your child next year. We've decided to put the class placement letter in the same envelope as the 2011 Report so that parents don't miss these important documents. 

I ask that parents are the ones to open reports with their child so that this doesn't get missed! Please remember that staff have worked really hard to capture the key learning from the year for each and every student, they have checked with the 3 Wishes information and goal setting from throughout the year. If you find you don't understand or even disagree with any part(s) of the report, it is important you let the teacher know and make a time for a phone call or a chat. 

Similarly with class placements, this is a complex process and so placements are tentative for the first week or two into the new school year. This is the first time we've done class placements at this time of year and so they may change based on new enrollments or leavers at the start of the 2012 school year. Our aim is to help ensure a smoother transition into the new school year by doing this. Plus stationery can be pre-ordered using our new online ordering system which Trish will update you on soon.

As always, if you have questions, concerns or worries about this - talk to your teacher or me and we will be happy to see how we can best meet the needs of your child(ren). Thank you to those who completed the intentions for next year survey which gave us good information to make the best placement possible.

Staffing Update - welcome Lucy Ellery

I'm pleased to announce that Burnham School has managed to establish a new cluster focussed on strengthening sports teaching and sport involvement between Burnham, Ladbrooks and Lincoln Primary Schools. This is a part-time position which is funded partly through the KiwiSport funding provided to schools each year as well as a contribution by each Board of Trustees. 
Lucy Ellery - Sports Co-ordinator
Lucy brings with her a wealth of experience in sport organisation, teaching and coaching. Initially Lucy is familiarising herself with each school and has already worked with our senior students. Through support from Sport Canterbury Lucy will establish strong club links with Lincoln and the surrounding areas to help build pathways for pupils outside of school hours.

Starting next year our Year 7/8s will travel to Lincoln for Technology instruction on Fridays so they can compete and play sports each Friday afternoon against a wider pool of competitors from the three schools. Lucy will also be helping staff at each school design richer experiences for developing sports and physical education programmes. Welcome Lucy!