Dear parents/caregivers,
We have most of the school here today and it appears the weather is wet rather than snowy. A huge thank you to the team from catering company (led by Leon Whitelaw) who helped us by clearing pathways of snow and swept so we can prepare to ensure ice doesn't build up today/tonight.
Here are some notes for you to be aware of:
Sending children to/from school -
- All children must bring warm snow gear to school. This replaces regular school uniform until further notice. Any child who is sent to school without adequate clothing will be sent home again. The reason for this is to ensure safety (ie. in the unlikely event we got snowed in we must ensure all people have warm gear on!). Warm snow gear includes: gloves, hat, spare socks/pants, warm water proof jacket, thermals, etc.
- Please also send your child to school, as per normal, with a good packed lunch and water bottle.
- If families wish to collect children earlier than 3pm, that is fine.
While at school -
- Children are not allowed to play out in the snow unless directly supervised by their teacher. We will avoid children getting soaking wet/cold where possible. Teachers may take children out and play with the class towards the end of the day, if children have adequate clothing. If parents do not want their child to be in the snow at school, please email your class teacher.
- No child is allowed to play in the snow if they do not have a spare pair of socks and adequate clothing.
Opening tomorrow -
- If it freezes today/tonight, we'll salt key areas to ensure these do not freeze (eg. steps into classrooms), but not pathways.
- As far as opening tomorrow (and subsequent days) goes, this may have to be a day by day decision as the situation can change quickly. We will endeavour to make this decision as early as possible, but no later than 0700 each morning.
- Communication will be via text message, facebook AND the Principal Blog.
Please update your contacts -
Please ensure that if your contact details (mobile, home/work phones, etc.) and emergency contacts have changed you let us know. Once everyone is back at school we will send a form out to you, but in the meantime if you know these are out of date, use this link to let us know...
Many thanks for your support and stay warm!
Rob Clarke
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