Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Burnham School - Book Fair, Puberty, Coes Ford & Photo Comp

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Burnham School - Te Kura o Tiori
Updates Term 3 Week 5

Scholastic Book Fair

Thanks for supporting our book fair. We had a great turn out last night with nearly 40 parents and that many students coming for bed time stories and a nice, hot chocolate and marshmellow. We even had one of our Dads read the Cat in the Hat - thanks Karl! 

Thank you to Trish, Dot, Pam, Sandra, Michelle, Bridget and others who helped with the smooth running of the evening. Last night we made more than $650 worth of sales - a percentage goes back to the school.

Senior Book Sharing & Positive Puberty tonight @ 6.30pm
Feel free to come early to have kai before our Senior Book Sharing evening for students, whilst parents get to learn about our Positive Puberty seminar, led by Family Planning. We may film this for those who can't be there and place this on the school youtube account - let us know if you'd like this.

LSVs helping around school this Sunday afternoon
This Sunday we have 30 or so Limited Service Volunteers helping with a range of tasks around school. Shane Wooten, one of our Dads, is supervising them.

If you have a long garden hose, edging tool, spade, broom or hedge trimmers to loan us we'd appreciate it. All items will be labelled and returned to you.

Snow Photo Competition
This competition will be opened up for voting soon. If you have photos but have not submitted send it to: giving it a good subject line (that will become the title of the photo online).

At the end of this week the album will 'close off' and voting begins next week. Photos submitted so far are below.

Other Reminders:

  • Sausage Sizzle this Friday - bring $1.50 per sausage to the office prior to school.
  • Coes Ford Friday 9th Sept - please remember to get your child's permission slip in to the office asap. Also if you can help please contact
Respect - Achievement - Responsibility - Strength/Self-Belief

Whaikoha - Angitu - Tikanga - Whakapono/Wairua/Tuturu

Te Kura o Tiori - Burnham School
Chaytor Ave, Burnham
t: 03 347 6851 e: w:

Ka tu to kura hei whakahoa te akoranga - Our school is a place for partnership in learning.
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Burnham School · Chaytor Ave · Burnham · Christchurch, Canterbury 7600
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All students are safe and well after that small shake @ 1.30pm. Be well


Sunday, 28 August 2011

Book Fair


Once again we have our annual Book Fair. Proceeds from book purchases go towards the school so support our readers by getting in and grabbing some books for presents and the whanau!





Monday, August 29                 2:30pm till 3.30pm       

              Library open for purchase of books

Tuesday, August 30:

6.00 till 7.00pm Junior Bedtime Stories

Library open for purchase of books

Wednesday, August 31:

 6.30 till 7.15pm Senior Book Reading

Library open for purchase of books

Thursday, September 1: 2.30pm till 3.30pm Library open for purchase of books

Friday, September 2:

9:15 -10 am Book Character Parade

Parents most welcome to attend (and dress up too if you want!)

Library open for purchase of books

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Strategic Planning Meeting 4pm


All parents/caregivers are invited to come along to our strategic planning meeting tomorrow @ 4pm in Room 9.

This meeting is to flesh out the following three strategic goals for our school:

  1. To build collaborative, engaging partnerships.
  2. To create an exciting, flexible teaching and learning environment.
  3. To send out resilient, confident, future prepared students.
We'd love you to come along and contribute to the ideas as we are coming up with indicators for each of these goals. These indicators will be the steps towards meeting each of these goals.

Drinks, nibbles and childcare is provided. Please RSVP to if you can attend.

Many thanks,

Rob Clarke
Principal - Tumuake

Burnham School - Strategic Planning Meeting tomorrow 4pm

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Burnham School - Te Kura o Tiori


Strategic Planning Meeting 4pm

All parents/caregivers are invited to come along to our strategic planning meeting tomorrow @ 4pm in Room 9.

This meeting is to flesh out the following three strategic goals for our school:

  1. To build collaborative, engaging partnerships.
  2. To create an exciting, flexible teaching and learning environment.
  3. To send out resilient, confident, future prepared students.
We'd love you to come along and contribute to the ideas as we are coming up with indicators for each of these goals. These indicators will be the steps towards meeting each of these goals.

Drinks, nibbles and childcare is provided. Please RSVP to if you can attend.

Many thanks,

Rob Clarke
Principal - Tumuake
Respect - Achievement - Responsibility - Strength/Self-Belief

Whaikoha - Angitu - Tikanga - Whakapono/Wairua/Tuturu

Te Kura o Tiori - Burnham School
Chaytor Ave, Burnham
t: 03 347 6851 e: w:

Ka tu to kura hei whakahoa te akoranga - Our school is a place for partnership in learning.
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How we decide to close school


Lilli and the Snow Princess

The snow days last week provided a combination of exciting experiences and I'm sure some stress for some due to children being at home with the possibility of work still in operation. The closure of our school once again tested our procedures and communication lines.

Closing a school is a complex and stressful time for all involved. The principal and board chair jointly make the decision to close the school - neither one can make the decision without the other. The most important consideration is the health and safety of children, staff, parents and other adults entering the school site. Indeed, getting to and from school is also a factor. As I live in town, I rely on the feedback from others living in Burnham, the news, the Met Service website, the Selwyn District Council website and the principals’ network.

However, this time it really was a given, under the adverse conditions, to remain closed until the weather was somewhat settled. We were glad to be able to open on the Wednesday after two days closure due to the snow conditions. As more than half our staff live in the city and have to drive to Burnham, the always present possibility of aftershocks (outside evacuation), sick staff and students, freezing temperatures and unsafe playgrounds, we will continue to make the best decision using current information for the safety of all.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.



Photo: "Lilli and the Snow Princess"

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Normal School Hours Today


Good morning Burnham School community,

Today is a normal school day. Children should wear warm clothing - gumboots are a good idea as are hats, gloves and spare socks.

Children must arrive no earlier than 8.30am.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Burnham School is a winter wonderland


Dear parents/caregivers,

We have most of the school here today and it appears the weather is wet rather than snowy. A huge thank you to the team from catering company (led by Leon Whitelaw) who helped us by clearing pathways of snow and swept so we can prepare to ensure ice doesn't build up today/tonight.

Here are some notes for you to be aware of:

Sending children to/from school

  1. All children must bring warm snow gear to school. This replaces regular school uniform until further notice. Any child who is sent to school without adequate clothing will be sent home again. The reason for this is to ensure safety (ie. in the unlikely event we got snowed in we must ensure all people have warm gear on!). Warm snow gear includes: gloves, hat, spare socks/pants, warm water proof jacket, thermals, etc. 
  2. Please also send your child to school, as per normal, with a good packed lunch and water bottle.
  3. If families wish to collect children earlier than 3pm, that is fine. 

While at school - 

  1. Children are not allowed to play out in the snow unless directly supervised by their teacher. We will avoid children getting soaking wet/cold where possible. Teachers may take children out and play with the class towards the end of the day, if children have adequate clothing. If parents do not want their child to be in the snow at school, please email your class teacher.
  2. No child is allowed to play in the snow if they do not have a spare pair of socks and adequate clothing.

Opening tomorrow - 

  1. If it freezes today/tonight, we'll salt key areas to ensure these do not freeze (eg. steps into classrooms), but not pathways.
  2. As far as opening tomorrow (and subsequent days) goes, this may have to be a day by day decision as the situation can change quickly. We will endeavour to make this decision as early as possible, but no later than 0700 each morning. 
  3. Communication will be via text message, facebook AND the Principal Blog

Please update your contacts - 

Please ensure that if your contact details (mobile, home/work phones, etc.) and emergency contacts have changed you let us know. Once everyone is back at school we will send a form out to you, but in the meantime if you know these are out of date, use this link to let us know...

Many thanks for your support and stay warm!


Rob Clarke



Monday, 15 August 2011

The Great Burnham School Snow Photo Comp

The Great Burnham School Snow Photo Comp Is Here!

Tired of being couped up inside? Bored perhaps? Want something fun to do? Check this out!

Your challenge is to take a creative photo of something to do with snow and email it to school.
Once we are back at school, all classes will be able to vote on the best photos - it might be a huge snowball, a big snowman, or something creative like a snow-ball pie - you decide! Follow these instructions:
  1. Check with Mum or Dad you can do this.
  2. Get a digital camera - make sure you have permission.
  3. Create something using snow.
  4. Take a photo of it.
  5. Send that photo to: giving it a good subject line (that will become the title of the photo online).
  6. It will be instantly online!
Let's see how many cool photos and uses of snow we can come up with!
Good luck, stay warm and have fun.

School Closed today


Good morning all, school is closed today due to snow and blizzard conditions. Check back later for instructions for our snow-photo competition!