Monday, 27 June 2011

Safety Update - All Clear

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Burnham School - Te Kura o Tiori
Important Safety Notice - All Clear
Dear parents/caregivers,

We have been informed by the CDHB that the case of Meningitis in our school community is in fact a viral strain of the disease.

It is now safe to bring your child(ren) back to school if you need to get to work, even if they have not been immunised.

Please note our usual procedures for sickness always apply - ie. if your child is unwell then you should keep him/her at home and inform the office.

We've checked with the Community Health, CDHB and the Department of Health and our advice earlier was in line with best practices.

Once again, please remind your child about the following personal hygene practices:
  • Not sharing a drink bottle or food
  • Washing hands thoroughly
  • Coughing or sneezing into your elbow
Please ask if you have further questions or concerns and thank you for your patience and cooperation in this matter.

Yours truly,

Rob Clarke & Jackie Freeman
On behalf of the Burnham School Board of Trustees

Signs & Symptoms

Meningococcal disease is a bacterial infection that can affect anyone. Babies, young children, teenagers and young adults are at greatest risk.

It can cause two very serious illnesses: septicaemia (blood poisoning) and meningitis (an infection of the brain membranes). There are different strains of the bacteria. The B strain is the most common in New Zealand.

Meningococcal disease can look like a case of influenza in its early stages, but it quickly gets much worse. The symptoms may not all show up at once.

Tell your doctor if you have any of the following signs and/or symptoms:
  • fever and headache
  • vomiting
  • sleepiness, confusion, delirium or unconsciousness
  • a stiff neck and sensitivity to bright lights
  • joint pain and aching muscles
  • a rash or spots (show your doctor).
Meningococcal disease can progress very quickly. Don’t wait – take action. 
If someone in your household is sick with one or more of the symptoms identified above, you should contact a doctor or medical centre immediately, no matter what time of the day or night.

More information:
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Te Kura o Tiori - Burnham School
Chaytor Ave, Burnham
t: 03 347 6851 e: w:

Ka tu to kura hei whakahoa te akoranga - Our school is a place for partnership in learning.
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