Thursday, 30 June 2011

Kids Art Fest 19-29 July


Wednesday, 29 June 2011

The Can Can



Here is a great idea which is supported by NZDF. Any questions please email or call Cherie Mansel, our lovely Community Services Officer.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Safety Update - All Clear

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Burnham School - Te Kura o Tiori
Important Safety Notice - All Clear
Dear parents/caregivers,

We have been informed by the CDHB that the case of Meningitis in our school community is in fact a viral strain of the disease.

It is now safe to bring your child(ren) back to school if you need to get to work, even if they have not been immunised.

Please note our usual procedures for sickness always apply - ie. if your child is unwell then you should keep him/her at home and inform the office.

We've checked with the Community Health, CDHB and the Department of Health and our advice earlier was in line with best practices.

Once again, please remind your child about the following personal hygene practices:
  • Not sharing a drink bottle or food
  • Washing hands thoroughly
  • Coughing or sneezing into your elbow
Please ask if you have further questions or concerns and thank you for your patience and cooperation in this matter.

Yours truly,

Rob Clarke & Jackie Freeman
On behalf of the Burnham School Board of Trustees

Signs & Symptoms

Meningococcal disease is a bacterial infection that can affect anyone. Babies, young children, teenagers and young adults are at greatest risk.

It can cause two very serious illnesses: septicaemia (blood poisoning) and meningitis (an infection of the brain membranes). There are different strains of the bacteria. The B strain is the most common in New Zealand.

Meningococcal disease can look like a case of influenza in its early stages, but it quickly gets much worse. The symptoms may not all show up at once.

Tell your doctor if you have any of the following signs and/or symptoms:
  • fever and headache
  • vomiting
  • sleepiness, confusion, delirium or unconsciousness
  • a stiff neck and sensitivity to bright lights
  • joint pain and aching muscles
  • a rash or spots (show your doctor).
Meningococcal disease can progress very quickly. Don’t wait – take action. 
If someone in your household is sick with one or more of the symptoms identified above, you should contact a doctor or medical centre immediately, no matter what time of the day or night.

More information:
Respect - Achievement - Responsibility - Strength/Self-Belief

Whaikoha - Angitu - Tikanga - Whakapono/Wairua/Tuturu

Te Kura o Tiori - Burnham School
Chaytor Ave, Burnham
t: 03 347 6851 e: w:

Ka tu to kura hei whakahoa te akoranga - Our school is a place for partnership in learning.
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Sunday, 26 June 2011

Important Safety Update

Burnham School - Te Kura o Tiori
Important Safety Notice
Dear parents/caregivers,

We have a confirmed case of Meningitis in our school community. This case is likely to be the viral strain of the disease, however this is not yet confirmed. The child concerned is currently safe in hospital and is well cared for.

Our advice is as follows:
  1. We are erring on the side of caution and so advise you to keep your child at home if they are unwell during the coming week.
  2. If your child has not been immunised, then we advise you to keep your child(ren) at home pending further advice from the Ministry of Health tomorrow.
Please also remind your child about the following personal hygene practices:
  • Not sharing a drink bottle or food
  • Washing hands thoroughly
  • Coughing or sneezing into your elbow
We have informed the Pre-School, BOOST, Burnham Kindergarten, as well as the Communications Manager of the camp so that our community can be aware and take necessary steps.

Please read below for signs and symptoms so that you are able to help us maintain student, staff and parent health and safety.
Please ask if you have further questions or concerns.

Yours truly,

Rob Clarke & Jackie Freeman
On behalf of the Burnham School Board of Trustees

Signs & Symptoms

Meningococcal disease is a bacterial infection that can affect anyone. Babies, young children, teenagers and young adults are at greatest risk.

It can cause two very serious illnesses: septicaemia (blood poisoning) and meningitis (an infection of the brain membranes). There are different strains of the bacteria. The B strain is the most common in New Zealand.

Meningococcal disease can look like a case of influenza in its early stages, but it quickly gets much worse. The symptoms may not all show up at once.

Tell your doctor if you have any of the following signs and/or symptoms:
  • fever and headache
  • vomiting
  • sleepiness, confusion, delirium or unconsciousness
  • a stiff neck and sensitivity to bright lights
  • joint pain and aching muscles
  • a rash or spots (show your doctor).
Meningococcal disease can progress very quickly. Don’t wait – take action. 
If someone in your household is sick with one or more of the symptoms identified above, you should contact a doctor or medical centre immediately, no matter what time of the day or night.

More information:
Respect - Achievement - Responsibility - Strength/Self-Belief

Whaikoha - Angitu - Tikanga - Whakapono/Wairua/Tuturu

Te Kura o Tiori - Burnham School
Chaytor Ave, Burnham
t: 03 347 6851 e: w:

Ka tu to kura hei whakahoa te akoranga - Our school is a place for partnership in learning.
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Burnham School · Chaytor Ave · Burnham · Christchurch, Canterbury 7600
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Thursday, 23 June 2011

School Photos coming out today!

I must say, the photos that Des Ellery took are absolutely stunning. We think you'll be really impressed with the individual and class photos. 

Individual school photos are going out today.  If you wish to purchase these photos please send the money into the school office before Monday 4 July.  If you don't wish to purchase these photos please send the packs back to school in good condition.  The class photos are available in the office area for viewing and also in the classrooms.  If you have any questions re the ordering please contact the office.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Helping children after stressful events with John Cowan



Based on a resource John Cowan wrote for parents after the Canterbury earthquake, this video gives advice that will help with children who have been upset by any stressful episode: an accident, bereavement, a spell in hospital, relocation or a family disruption. Much of the advice will also be useful to ease the general anxiety that children sometimes experience as they grow up – and might even help adults with their stress as well! 

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Variety Children's Charity


Here is something that just came in - a funding source for supporting families who need help:


Variety still has funds available to help children affected by the earthquakes - please visit or call 09 520 4111 to apply for funding for things like warm clothing and bedding for the coming winter, essential childcare items, school fees and uniforms, toys and replacement mobility and medical equipment.

Variety Children's Charity are continuing to raise funds to help children in Christchurch.



Grants may be applied for by individuals, families or organisations working with children. All applications should be forwarded on the general Grant Application Form.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

PTA AGM postponed until July 6th


Dear parents,

Our PTA Annual General Meeting is postponed until Wednesday 6th July @ 6.30pm. We are investigating whether we can offer the Parent Seminar Coping with Stress with Captain Jay McClean on this new date. Flyers are coming out today.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Burnham School is open for business as usual Tuesday 14th June


Dear Burnham Whanau,

School is open tomorrow and it's business as usual. We are safe, our team is all good and we are ready for another day of great learning. Let us know if you or your family require any support. 

Please join your child(ren) at school if you wish to. If you do want to come to school you might like to continue with the water blasting or weed eating we started over the weekend!

If you want your 
child(ren) to stay at home with you then that is also fine - just let us know if this is the case.

Please ensure your child(ren) has a drink bottle with them.

Ka kite apopo (see you tomorrow),
Rob and the team.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Being on time to school

Please remember that classrooms open each day at 8.30am and school starts sharp at 8.55am. It is important for children to be early enough to unpack bags and belongings and have a chance to play with friends or talk to their teacher.
The time before 8.55 it is a great chance for children to choose something they are really interested in pursuing, such as mathletics, class blogs, or reading/maths games. Children that arrive between 8.30 and 8.55 have lots of opportunities for social learning and this helps students learn to self-manage.
You are also most welcome to come in and check out the great work children are doing all the time.

Linton Camp School Donation - feedback please


We recently received a very kind donation from the community of Linton Camp School in the North Island. This is to support the children and staff as they recover from the affects of the earthquake. We've given the responsibility of deciding how this money will be spent to the Student Leadership Council, who would like your feedback. They have a form which we'd love you to fill in, which is linked off the school web site under the 'Leadership' area. This form will also be posted through our facebook page for quick access. Please give the children some feedback and thoughts to help their decision.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Vege Garden Manure


Last week Room 5 helped fill up the new garden beds with pony manure for fertiliser. Most of us found it fun but a tiny bit gross. We took the manure from the trailer applied it to new garden beds.

We would like to thank Mrs Musgrave for the pony poo and for transporting to the school. Room 5 enjoyed the experiences but we had make sure that we had showers straight after school.

[cross posted from the EnviroGroup blog]

Friday, 3 June 2011

Celebration Assembly 3 June


Well done Room 2 and Ruma Whitu for your amazing Celebration Assembly yesterday. The range and quality of learning you shared was superb. I've put photos up on the school facebook page for everyone to enjoy. Well done those of you who received Principal's Awards for excellence - keep up the awesome learning.

Any parents who want high resoluation copies of the photos email me the title and I'll get them to you.