Our process involved children from the Student Leadership Council interviewing others using a form, taking a photo survey and videoing children talking about their writing. The photos to the right show that writing happens in a wide variety of ways - it also happens in conjunction with reading and other learning areas. Here are some of the quotes from children about what they like about writing at school:
Explanations and recounts because its lots of fun. Matthew, Y4
You get to do a lot of cool things and uses a lot of imagination. Evie, Y3
When he can write about show and tell. Jacob, Y2
Writing about stars. Sydney, Y2
Writing fiction and using my imagination. Trinity, Y6
I love to do free writing. Hannah, Y6
Getting to make up my own stories. Charlize, Y5
Writing about what he's done. Harrison, Y1
That you get to make up story. Emelia, Y3
It shows all of the hard work. Matthew F, Y4
It's fun and it has so many different types of writing and i just like writing. Shalagh, Y7
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