There are all sorts of possibilities with this system, including:
- students can compete against one another and others across the world
- parents can be emailed reports on their child's progress
- there are games, drills and tests which students can use
- the system ties directly into the New Zealand curriculum, which is helpful for parents and brilliant for teachers
- the system provides certificates as students progress
- teachers can personalise the system to their class by altering what students can use at any time
- teachers can set homework for students using this system, which auto-marks
This system costs $100 per child if you bought it for an individual at home. Because we have signed up for our senior school we get it for $30 per student.
We know that costs are always a concern for parents and so for the first year we've also decided to subsidise this cost by contributing $10 for each student towards this cost, thus lowering the cost to parents. We really believe this system will help us continue to make a huge difference to learning for our children.
What happens next?
All parents of senior school students will receive a notice at Meet The Teacher tomorrow evening with their child's username and password, along with instructions for setting up parent notifications. Teachers and students will also talk about this exciting development during the evening.
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