Thursday, 1 April 2010

Senior School e-Portfolios

I'm excited to announce that the senior teaching team - led by Linda Sweeny, Kelly Sheppard and Gemma Odering - have decided to embark on the implementation of e-Portfolios for every student in the senior team. This is a development from the digital portfolios which were trialed in Room 6 (our Year 7 and 8 students) during 2009. 

These e-Portfolios are a combination of the following online tools:

  1. A Blog for sharing of a wide range of examples and achievements from each child's learning. Feedback can be gained from other students, teachers, whanau or others who contribute to the learning journey of each student. In time, the sharing of learning will be seamless between home and school. This part of the portfolio is public, however it can be made private if the family wish.
  2. Burnham School 'Ako' account for sharing assessment information. 'Ako' is the Maori word which means 'to learn'. This part of the e-Portfolio is secure and private and requires a log in which we will share with you. This is a Burnham School Google account for each student which is managed through the school. Click this link to visit the school web page for student Ako accounts.

Click here for the letter which went home to all families of senior students informing them of this change...


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