Monday, 2 November 2009

Assembly Item - Always Try Your Best

During Friday's athletics sports I was inspired by our students and staff. This event was a wonderful chance for our students to show their talents and passion for achieving and striving to be their best. I was also impressed with how well our students supported one another during the events. There is nothing quite like an entire school cheering each other on!

Below are some photos of Burnham School students trying their best to achieve during our athletics sports:

This led me to wondering, what is the relationship between how hard you try for something, and the chances you have for achieving it? I did a web search and found some really useful quotes about the importance of trying your best and being motivated. Here is a quote for you to consider, please put your own ideas as comments to this post below:
"Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is."  by Vince Lombardi from 

What does this mean for your learning and how can you use this to help you?

(Click here to view more shots from athletics...)


Sandra Keenan said...

What a fantastic display of photos of our Athletic Sports! I had a great day and was very impressed with not only the outstanding performances, but the children's positive attitude and manners.

Miss Sweeny said...

Yes it was a great day, there were plenty that wanted to win at high jump, making a great competition

Room 6 said...

Sometimes everything is just trying your hardest - Dante

Sometimes if you want to win and you don't it can be upsetting - Sena

When you're winning you can be smug about it but when you're wanting to win your inspired to do it - Jacqui

If you want to win and if you're trying to win you really support yourself and you might actually do it - Brandon

Winning is cool but when your wanting to win you feel amped up and if you do win then you feel proud of yourself - Coby

Your attitude determines your altitude - Tori

Some of the time winning and wanting to win is everything _ Adam

Winning isn't everything it 's about having fun, when your wanting to win your trying hard - Tayla

Winning isn't everything - Sam

Winning isn't everything unless you make it, unless you make it seem that way to yourself - Jayden

It's about trying your best and having fun - Nick

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