Kia ora koutou whanau,
Ma tini ma mano ka rapa te whai.
By many, by thousands, the work will be accomplished.
Many hands make light work.
Unity is strength.
I hope you've had a wonderful holiday and are looking forward to the school year beginning. This is a quick note to ensure you've remembered a key event for next week, plus to let you know how the year starts this Tuesday.
Welcome to new whanau to our wonderful kura! Here are the details of the start for you all:
Tuesday 31 Feb 8.55am Mihi Whakatau
We start off this year with a mihi whakatau. This is a less formal welcome than a powhiri and will have some similiarities. Kaumatua from our local marae will welcome new children/whanau onto the school and will guide us in this process. At this stage, please expect the following:
- Tuesday 8.30-8.45am - all students take their bags to their new classrooms so they can assemble for the mihi whakatau.
- 9am New students, staff and whanau - you will either meet together to be welcomed in. Staff will advise whether this is inside the school grounds, or outside the main school gate on Godley Road. Sandra Keenan, our NE/Y1 class teacher will bring new children/whanau/staff in to ensure our youngest children are with their teacher.
- The mihi whakatau will be held in the hall - everyone is welcome.
- After the mihi whakatau we will have a chance for a cup of tea and light refreshment.
Wednesday Back To School Community Picnic & Meet the Teacher
Last year we planned a back to school picnic and we've invited the Pre-School and Kindy to join us (Kindy aren't able to this time). This starts on the school field at 4.30 with music, games and if the weather is good the possibility of a sprinkler! Please bring a picnic to share to relax and enjoy with your family and meet new people, including staff. The camp pool is booked for our use also (parents must be responsible for their children).
Warm regards,
Rob and the team