Friday, 30 September 2011

Burnham School - Athletics Sports, Music Extravaganza & ERO Report

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Burnham School - Te Kura o Tiori
Updates Term 3 - Week 9
School Athletics next Tuesday

Please come and support our athletics sports next Tuesday. Events start at 9.20 and run through the day until approximately 2pm. Students are to wear their house colour.

Music Extravaganza next Wed 7pm

Next Wednesday we are holding our celebration fundraiser at the Burnham Camp Community Hall, starting at 7pm. It is free for children and $5 per adult.

Please bring a plate to share for supper if you are able to.

Performers need to come at 6.30 to get set up.

Portfolios Come Home Today

Please celebrate the great progress your child has made in sharing the portfolios. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your class teacher to make a time to chat.

PTA Reminders

All money for chocolate sales is due back to the office next Wednesday, October 5th. Louise will be collecting this just after 9.30am. All chocolates not sold must be returned - but we'd prefer the cash ;-)

Parents of children who do not return either the money or chocolates will receive a reminder note on the Wednesday.

As put out last week, if you've experienced any problems with this fundraiser, please contact us at: and Louise will respond. 

We have sold approximately $1300 worth of chocolates so far. This money is going towards outside PE & play equipment for all children.

Next PTA meeting is Tuesday 25th October @ 6.30pm in the staffroom.

Thank you for your support.

ERO Report Published

Our Education Review Office report is now published and live for your enjoyment. Click here to find out more and get the full report...

Here are some quotes about our school:

"Teachers are focused on improving learning and teaching."

"Positive relationships and high expectations support students’ progress and achievement."

"Students are able to discuss their own learning and their next steps."

"...innovative approaches to integrate ICT..."

"Through blogs and e-portfolios, students are taking greater responsibility for their learning..."

"The board, principal and staff have strengthened the position of the school to continually improve its performance."

Respect - Achievement - Responsibility - Strength/Self-Belief

Whaikoha - Angitu - Tikanga - Whakapono/Wairua/Tuturu

Te Kura o Tiori - Burnham School
Chaytor Ave, Burnham
t: 03 347 6851 e: w:

Ka tu to kura hei whakahoa te akoranga - Our school is a place for partnership in learning.
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Burnham School · Chaytor Ave · Burnham · Christchurch, Canterbury 7600
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Volunteers needed for tree planting day - 8th Oct


Volunteers are needed for a planting day on Saturday October 8th at Mitchell’s Rd Mudfish Restoration. You’ll need to get yourselves there, but all equipment is supplied, along with morning tea and lunch!

Te Ara Kakariki are organising the day and all details are included in the registration kit, however, you will need to send an email to register@ to let them know you are coming.

Mitchell’s Rd is a very important restoration site for WET – find out more about the site here.

This planting day is the final phase of the Canterbury Plantout – already this has involved 150 students, staff and parents from Burnham school and over 200 community volunteers in planting 3,800 native plants at 14 different sites.

Mitchell’s Rd is one site that couldn’t be included in the Plantout weekend in September so we’re having another planting day – hope you can make it.


Thursday, 29 September 2011

ERO Success for Burnham School


Recently the ERO team were at Burnham School.  Our school has had a positive report and the ERO team were impressed with the quality of learning our children are getting at Burnham School.  The Board, Staff and ERO team agree that the next step for the school is to report against the National Standards.  The staff are well on the way to meeting this target for next year.  The full report is available on the ERO website or you can download it by clicking here...
The Board of Trustees would like to thank the Principal and Staff for all the hard work they put in preparing for this review and for the great teaching and learning programmes that the children at Burnham School receive.  The Board would also like to thank the parents and students who participated in the review so that the ERO team got a full understanding of our school.
Here are some quotes from ERO:

"Teachers are focused on improving learning and teaching."

"Positive relationships and high expectations support students’ progress and achievement."

"Students are able to discuss their own learning and their next steps."

"...innovative approaches to integrate ICT..."

"Through blogs and e-portfolios, students are taking greater responsibility for their learning..."

"The board, principal and staff have strengthened the position of the school to continually improve its performance."

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Access to School Dental Services over the October school holiday period


The Community Dental Service has a contract to provide an emergency dental service for pre-schoolers and primary school children over the school holiday period. The service is limited to the relief of acute pain only and will operate from 8:30am until 12:30pm from the Hillmorton Community Clinic, Sylvan Street, Christchurch for the following times.

Monday, 10th October – Friday 21st October (excluding weekends) 


Routine treatment will not be offered/available over the holidays and any accident related issues will be referred to Community Dentists as per usual practise.


We would appreciate it if you could place the following notice in newsletters until the end of term to inform parents of these arrangements. If you wish to discuss any aspect of this letter please do not hesitate to contact me. Many thanks for your ongoing support of the Community Dental Service.


Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Burnham School - Coes Ford, Dunsandel Visiting, Scouts,

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Burnham School - Te Kura o Tiori
Updates Term 3 Week 7

  1. Please remember as the weather warms up to send your child to school with a full, named water bottle.
  2. If your child eats yoghurt at school, please support them to become independent by expecting them to rinse their yoghurt pottles out at home. This helps children learn it is their responsibility to do this. Now that lunch eating is outside we will get the routine of children using wash basins for this going again.
  3. If you know of someone who doesn't get these updates, please ask them to subscribe from the home page of our web site or click here...
Coes Ford a huge success

Our inaugral Tree Planting Day at Coes Ford last Friday was a huge success. The entire school had a brilliant day of learning about biodiversity, bugs, harakeke weaving, native tree planting and the local area. Thank you to all the people and organisations who supported us in this special event for our school. We are hoping this will become an annual event in our calendar.

A huge thank you to Linton Camp School for providing the funds to supply sausages for lunch for the day. The SLC organised this for us - well done team!

Photos here...

Fun Day Friday Postponed to next Friday 23rd Sept!

This Fridays 'Fun Day Friday' has been postponed until next Friday due to the special visit from Dunsandel School. 

This event was organised by our Junior School as part of our RWC learning. All whanau welcome from 9.30!

Burnham's Got Talent!
The SLC are undertaking initial rehearsals for this exciting and fun event.  They will be in touch with the list of who has made it into the next stage soon.

Other Shots:
Respect - Achievement - Responsibility - Strength/Self-Belief

Whaikoha - Angitu - Tikanga - Whakapono/Wairua/Tuturu

Te Kura o Tiori - Burnham School
Chaytor Ave, Burnham
t: 03 347 6851 e: w:

Ka tu to kura hei whakahoa te akoranga - Our school is a place for partnership in learning.
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Burnham School · Chaytor Ave · Burnham · Christchurch, Canterbury 7600
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Scouts NZ Trial Membership


SCOUTS New Zealand is offering a FREE ONE MONTH TRIAL MEMBERSHIP to anyone interested in joining us in the adventure. SCOUTS New Zealand has been providing outdoor opportunities for over 100 years. We have a passion for providing young people from all walks of life with new experiences, as well as encouraging personal development and community involvement.

To download a FREE ONE MONTH TRIAL MEMBERSHIP simply head to, click ‘Join Now’ and fill out the details or call 0800 SCOUTS to find the local Group.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Support for Redcliffs School


Redcliffs School in Christchurch is holding an online auction in place of its traditional fund-raising school fair. Sadly for the school, it is unable to hold the fair, its main fund-raiser, as the school has been displaced from its site by the Christchurch earthquakes.

Fantastic auction items will be on Trade Me between September 8 and 15 search “Redcliffs School Auction” to see the list over 150 items.

So, please support our school by spreading the word and having a bid. View the items now on: 

Thursday, 8 September 2011

The Importance of Good Attendance


I'd like to give you a quick update on the importance of good attendance. Attendance is a legal requirement and a shared responsibility of the school and the family. Attendance is defined as lateness as well as absence from school. There is a direct link between good attendance and achievement/progress at school.


While this might seem like a 'no-brainer', it is shown that early attendance patterns can be a strong predictor of future success in education across a students time in school, i.e. poor attendance in primary school can be a strong indicator of future difficulties at high schoolTherefore, the better your child's attendance, the more likely their success at school. Parents can do the following things to help us in this shared responsibility:


  • Classrooms open at 8.30am. The time between 8.30-8.55 is important social/organisational learning time for children.
  • Always email or leave a message at the office if your child is either late, or going to be absent from school - or 3476851.
  • Always give a reason for lateness or absence - this is a requirement of our procedures.
  • The office will call families by 9.15am to find out reasons for absence if parents do not let us know. Reasons are always recorded in our system.
  • On rare occasions when attendance is difficult to maintain, staff will discuss this with you and if you're really lucky your friendly principal may discuss it with you!
  • Always talk to us about any difficulties you may be experiencing in this area - we are here to work with you for the success of your child(ren).

Links for your interest:

  1. Burnham School procedure for attendance - user: burnham and password: c4mp
  2. Ministry of Education guidance