Te kura o Tiori - Burnham School
Whanau Hui Action Plan 2011 and beyond
Kia ora to everyone who contributed to the mahi for this plan, we appreciate your ongoing support.
Short Term | Medium Term | Long Term | |
Tamariki/Children | √ Implement junior kapa haka as well as strengthen senior kapa haka (Jan 2011) √ Develop Team Hui (2010) √ Develop tuakana teina - EnviroGroup, Student Leadership Council, Physical Activity Leaders (ongoing) √ EnviroGroup to plan planting of native trees and shrubs at Coes Ford in conjunction with Ngai Tahu (July). √ Whole school to attend planting (9 Sept). | Junior kapa haka performs at Cultural Festival alongside seniors. Intensive 'opt in' Te Reo Māori classes. | Investigate the possibility of establishing a bilingual unit by 2013 - first one on this side of the city. |
Kaiako/Staff | √ Develop use of te reo Māori and tikanga Māori - karakia, commands, waiata √ Ensuring staff are planning for te reo Māori and tikanga Māori. √ Staff use EnviroSchools programme and principles as part of school curriculum. √ Regular sharing of skills. √ Staff professional development in te reo - e.g. Te Manawa Pou. √ Strengthen expectations of new staff for usage of te reo Māori and tikanga Māori (2011). | Attract staff with expertise in te reo Māori and tikanga Māori. Set up staff who may be able to run possible bilingual unit. Staff are confident in usage of te reo Māori and tikanga. Develop protocols for powhiri for our kura. | Fluent te reo Māori speaker on the full time staff. |
Community | √ Hold another whanau hui 2011. √ Share story behind the Tree of Knowledge. √ Strengthen ties with kindergarten - transition to school. Strengthen 4 way ties between school - military camp - Te Taumutu Runanga and o Tiori whanau. Establish powhiri and hongi hakari protocol. | Whare upgrade - reposition mural. Regular hangi. Explore having language classes for adults. Kaumatua days each year - regular visits from kaumatua from NZDF and Taumutu Runanga | |
Board of Trustees | √ Build priorities into new Strategic Plan - whare upgrade. √ Analysis of achievement/progress information (2010, ongoing). Define Māori area of focus on Board of Trustees (Oct 2011). √ BoT karakia (Jan 2011) | Reporting of achievement and progress. | |
Environment | Continue to maintain and plant new areas in native plants. | Bilingual signage Provide signage in English and Te Reo of our native plants. Establish a pā harakeke for weaving flaxes, senior girls to care for this area. |
Feedback from the Whanau Hui held Thursday 27th May 2010, Burnham Camp Whare, 5pm-8pm
Question One: What do we do well?
- This Hui- initiative
- Welcoming inclusive atmosphere
- There is Open Communication
- Parent inclusion
- Proactive Approach
- Principal uses Te Reo
- Children doing their Mihis
- Noho Marae Yr 5 Camp
- Kapa Haka Yr 5- kids felt happy pleased and informed. There is a sense of belonging, pride and children enjoy singing in Te Reo.
- There is support from the Army and from Burnham Kindergarten
- Foundation in Reo, some Tikanga, Children are educated in the Culture, understanding Powhiri.
- Study Leave for Teachers
- The School promotes community spirit.
- Long term commitment from supporters, and an ongoing commitment to doing things well.
- There is support for children’s emotional and educational needs.
- Learning is fun for the children.
- Life- long friendships among the children and adults.
Question Two: Do you believe we are meeting the needs of our Maori students? Why?/Why not?
1. Parents:
Difference in parents awareness of their children’s needs.
What are the needs of your child/ren in terms of things in Maori?
-grounding in whakapapa, self awareness, belonging.
2. Teachers:
Teachers approaching parents to identify needs.
Children’s input:
- Yes
- We learn Maori in fun ways
- We have had heaps of Maori culture experiences
- Learning Maori actions
- Stories of Maori Legends
- Because the teachers teach in Maori, there are numbers in Maori placed in classrooms.
Question Three & Four: What do we need to do to improve how we cater for Maori students? Ideas for the future of our school...
- Maori education in school as part of the curriculum (main stream). As provided by NEG’s.
- Is it meeting family needs?
- Kapa Haka is only for seniors, is it possible to create something similar for Juniors?
- Kapa Haka groups to perform and compete.
- Taiaha/Poi
- Strong Links to Marae/Kuia
- Have a Kaumatua Day, every term
- To include Kuia from camp to be involved. Tap their knowledge in Te Ao Maori and their experiences.
- Treaty/Languages courses and workshops
- Celebrating Maori Language Week and Matariki
- More Mihi’s
- Stronger bond between Kindergarten and School. In transition process What can parents do?
- More Crafts
- Maori Language classes, 10 mins a day.
- Two Hui’s a year
- Reporting Process can be strengthened
- Educating the children about The Treaty.
- Parents getting involved, giving children homework to take home to mum and dad.
- Continuity, kids with tutors, school with tutors, Burnham Camp with the School and parents with children and School.
- Teachers from Linton/Waiouru/Burnham to Hui together to assist continuity and transitions.
- Buy in from the “top” down (Ministry of Education)
- Parents, staff, BOT and Community (immersed learning)
- From the “bottom” up have a sense of belonging in preparing for next step-up.
- Seamless transition for children through relationships from pre-school to High School.
- The Big Brother Concept - Tuakana teina in and out of School.
- Is there information in the School Library in regards to the History of Burnham School? If not can there be resources available?
- Are there Maori Art shown around the room, hallways.
- Keep developing teachers and staff for future.
- Use of collective schools (other schools, etc)
- Understand School Logo’s, symbols, carvings, etc
- Whare development