Tuesday, 23 February 2010

BOT Elections


Every three years the community gets to vote for the members of the Board of Trustees including the staff representative. The voting date is Friday 14 May.

Once our Returning Officer has been appointed more information will be circulated. For those who are considering becoming a Trustee an information evening is planned for Tuesday 2 March at 6.30pm in the Staff Room

This is an opportunity to meet with current Board members and Rob and chat about the various roles and responsibilities.  We hope to see you there. 

Additional Links:

Swimming Sports Photos

Our swimming sports were a huge success today. What a wonderful day to enjoy in the sun with our budding swimmers and talented athletes. Here are some photos from the day for you to enjoy:

A huge thank you to the staff who made this event such a success and to the parents/caregivers who were able to support it. The children had a fabulous day and all did really well.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Newsletter Term 1 Week 3 2010

Dear parents/whanau,

Our latest newsletter is now online at this link. It includes information on:

  • PTA
  • Swimming sports postponed until next Tuesday, 23rd March.
  • Meet The Teacher and Family Picnic - the surprise will come to Burnham School another time.
  • BOT Elections
  • Parenting Tips
  • School Banking
  • Music Tuition
  • A printout of our calendar for the fridge (printed version only).
We will put more information about Junior Swimming Sports and Display either tomorrow or Monday. Essentially it runs from 11-12 next Tuesday.


Swimming Sports postponed and Priviledge

Dear parents,

Our swimming sports are postponed until next Tuesday, 23rd March. Cross your fingers for good weather and we hope to see you there.

We are also after parents who are able to offer an activity on Friday afternoons to a group of children. This activity will be part of our weekly privilege programme, which will commence after Team Hui or Celebration Assembly.

These dates and times are in our school calendar.

Thank you,

Rob and the team.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Parenting Tip - Providing Choice

Here is a great parenting tip I came across this week:

When you want your child to do something he may not be excited about doing (homework, a chore, etc.) negotiate a time with him or her. For example: Your child is playing with lego on the floor. You say, "You need to practice piano. Would you like to do it now or in ten minutes? Okay, in 10 minutes it will be 5:30." [Source: www.wholefamily.com]
This led me to reflect on the nature of a conversation such as this. I'm sure most parents can relate to the sorts of negotiation this quote implies when thinking about their own children growing up! Indeed my 3-year old Isabella is gaining in her ability to negotiate quite quickly!

The importance of providing children with choice is crucial in helping them gain independence over their own ideas and their environment. One of the most important tasks we have at the start of the school year is to provide children with opportunities to develop how their classroom will run. 

If you go into any of our amazing classrooms, you will see examples of what might be called 'rules', or 'charters', or 'norms'. These are guidelines which teachers and children have developed together as part of establishing both how the classroom will run, but also how people will treat one another. One of the great things about this is that every class may have done this in a different way.

This is, in my view, best practice for creating the environment which every child can take ownership over and learn within throughout the year.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Meet The Teacher & Back to School Picnic this Wednesday

Dear parents/caregivers,

You are invited this Wednesday to our Back to School family picnic on the main field at Burnham School. This picnic will include a special surprise for everyone. This surprise is weather dependent so if it rains or is windy, we will eat in the hall.

The first session will be for Room 1 parents at 4.45-5pm. Click here for the timetable...

Fundraiser for Room 6 Camp - please support us
Christine Booth from Tupperware is holding a fundraiser for the Burnham School Room 6 camp. The school gets 10% of the sales and $20 for each party booking, a great way to help your school. This will be held outside the school library, if it rains it will be inside the library. There will be catalogues and order forns in the office for those who can't make it and wish to place an outside order.

Curriculum Surveys - all families
Senior students will be surveying you to find out the words adults, children and staff think best describe our school during the picnic. In addition, at the end of each Meet The Teacher session, staff will be conducting a short survey asking you to choose words describing what you feel as most important values and skills for us to focus on as a school.

We'd love to see as many of you there as possible and hope you can make it.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Staffing Updates - Welcome Maxine Spivey

I'm delighted to announce that we have employed Maxine Spivey, a former staff member and very experienced Teacher Aide, to support our team for term One. 

Maxine will be working to support a child with their language needs each week.

Welcome back to the team Maxine!

Monday, 8 February 2010

Hot Tips for Parents Seminar March 10

Aurora Centre, Burnside High School
Wednesday March 10

30 January 2010

Dear Rob

We are pleased to announce that Ian Grant of Parents Inc alongside guest MC Jason Gunn, will be presenting a one evening Hot Tips for parents seminar on Wednesday March 10 at 7.30 in The Aurora Centre at Burnside High.

These evenings have proved very popular in the past. Since 1994 over 182,000 parents have attended Parents Inc’s Hot Tips seminars.  It will be an opportunity for parents to collect fresh ideas and new skills in a relaxed and non-threatening environment.

It would be appreciated if you could encourage parents from your school to attend by:
·       Putting a notice in your newsletter
·       Placing posters on notice boards
·       Making flyers available at your office

The seminars are designed to provide heaps of fun and humour and will be suitable for all parents of children aged 1 through to 15.

We approached several local businesses that have generously provided sponsorship, and have some funds available if you know of parents who would like to attend but can’t afford to. 

Tickets will be available from all Postie Plus stores throughout Christchurch and Rangiora. The nearest one to Burnham School is Hornby Mall, phone: 349 7054 

For further information call 03 323 7196.

Your support is very much appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Marion Milner
Hot Tips Seminar Team

PS   The cost for the one night seminar will be $15 per person.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Parenting Tip - Routine


Now is the time for routine - the kids will be tired after a holiday with late nights, etc.

One way you can help your child ease back into school is by getting those after school and bedtime routines back in place - perhaps even get them helping make their


Newsletter Term 1 Week 2 2010

Click the title of this blog post to download our first newsletter for 2010. In it you will find information about:

  • Jump on the Waka - our theme for the year
  • Meet the Teacher - 17th February
  • Starting the year in classrooms: shared norms, kia kaha
  • Welcome to new whanau and staff
  • New deck
  • Music tuition
  • Parenting tips
  • New look newsletter
  • Assembly and Team Huis
... more - it's great to be back!

Class placements - how they work


Our class placement process is well in hand and I want to thank those parents who have come to me with queries. Staff work really hard to ensure that every child is best placed for the most successful year possible.

Due to the fact that get enrollments or changes on the first day of the school year, this can have an impact on both class makeup and overall numbers. We therefore are working to make the best decision for your child and each class as a group.

As with anything in our school, if you have questions, concerns or wonderings, please always speak to the person concerned and we will work with you to make a difference for your child and family.

    New Music Tutors at Burnham School!

    We have got two very talented people starting up a music tuition programme at our school this year! Nicky Lillicrap and Liz Nichol will be offering tuition for individuals and small groups of children. Some of this will be in school time and there will also be some after school slots.

    Families will need to opt in and pay up front; in addition, staff will have final approval for those students who will undertake an instrument during class time.

    Liz will be teaching guitar, vocals and starting up a choir in the school. Liz will also be relieving in the school. Nicky will teach piano up to grade 5 and percussion. Please welcome these two talented people to our team and community.

    This system will be a user pays system and we hope to design it so that it is sustainable and long lasting for the benefit of our tamariki and school.

    For more information on the programme, including a form for signing up to show your interest, please go to: www.burnham.school.nz/music where updated information will be placed as we develop this exciting programme.