New Ideas/Solutions
House Points
Principal Award
Boot Award
Mr Clarke's guitar
Sitting down too long
Too much talking
Telling off
Junior Hui
Certificates on birthday
Exercise in the middle of assembly
Assembly everyday (short)
| When everyone gets certificates
learning new songs
| Coming into the hall with to much noise
All the class have to be in the same spot
when all the classes are talking
when we have to wait for all the other classes cause it makes the assembly to long
being told off for talking
Fake birthday cake and some candles
When we sing songs someone to play the guitar
When you get certificates you get a toy
Everyone should have a idea to share with assembly like an item or something.
Prayer (karakia)
Ball Skills
National Anthem
The Boot
Mr Clarke talking
House certificates
Getting out of the hall
| When we have to stay there forever
When Mr Clarke has to growl
Too noisy
Same songs
A golden boot
We could sit nicely, be quiet
Better songs - ABBA
Certificates -standing on the stage
Principals award
National anthem/karakia
House points- Certificates
End of term prizes
Sitting up nicely
Mr Clarke talking-his photo
Teachers sharing notices
Having senior leaders
Ball skills
Ball skills
House points-talking-been around to long.
Singing too long
People being told off
Everyone talking while waiting to begin and talking again at the end.
Seniors running it its not fair on the other classes
Sitting to long
Waiting for people to be quiet
Mr Clarke - talk about whats happening in the school-events
New songs-fun songs
Ball skills every second Monday
House points-power points slide, already added, Mr Clarke announces winner, does certificates
A different class runs it each week and have a class item to share
Song to come to into sing while waiting also a song to go out with but change it weekly.
Comfy seats.
House points
National anthem/karakia
When classes show art
Students running
When we're 1st to leave
Principals award
Honors award
Too long
People talking/Playing
Staying in to practice
People always in trouble
Lots of waiting
Sore bottom
Repeating songs
Having to wear shoes
Making up silly words in songs
People turning around
People humming instead of singing
People try to talk to others
People make fun of songs
Each class has a principals award
Sit on seats if good
Pencils with principals award
Best class gets seats next assembly
Assembly outside
Classes lead assembly
Notebook gets pencils
Big prize for one person in the notebook
All do stereo yr 4+
classes sit boy/girl
Different songs
Fun songs like sing star songs 90s 60s
All to take part
Classes take turns to choose songs
Year 8's hand out awards
Classes watch out for good people
Awards- The Boot, Certificates, Notebook
Prizes- Rugby Tickets, End of term notebook prizes
Singing together
Year 8 seats at back
Being at end of a day
Audience behaviour- Clapping
Mucking about
Talking while items are happening
Leader doing everything
It's repetitive
Waiting for people to stop
Mucking around- having to set the example
Song variety- Type, Repeating
Too long
Leaders not being clear
It gets hot
More songs to choose from
Teaching how to sing songs
1 senior + 1 junior song
Class items/sharing/plays/student notices
Better behaviour entering
Exciting (no pushing)
Shorter time
School soap opera/running/news desk
Teachers/counting down to leaders to get attention
Everyone sits on seats
Different order for certificates
Class choose song to teach
Talkers have consequences
Don't have to do any work
The boot
The notebook-winning prizes
House points
Some classes share their work
Learning new songs
Everyone gets together
Kapahaka performances at the assembly
I like the tingling feeling I get inside when I get a certificate.
Sharing of manual projects
Principal's award
Mr Clarke's motivational speeches
The principal's blog
We are constantly repeating the same songs over again.
Sitting down and having to listen.
My bottom gets sore at assembly
I hate having to wait for people to stop talking between assembly.
My legs hurt after having to set so long.
Sometimes the assembly is too long
Always on a Monday-Why?
Everything is the same nothing changes.
Things are said that don't need to be said e.g we know we have to wear hats.
You get pins and needles.
Its not exciting it is boring.
It takes the kids to long to find the song.
We never move other than stand up or when we sit down.
All the juniors get to go first
The teachers get to talk but we don't.
Year 5 and 6 should be able to help out with the assembly to.
We should have actions to our song so we can get up and dance
We should have it on different days
Have more kids providing entertainment each week a different class should organise the assembly.
Mini snacks like popcorn
All the boys sit on one side and all girls on the other
Could we have an isle so it would make it easier to go and get certificates
We could sit with juniors and do activities together
Have seats to sit on
Jump jam in assembly
5 minute talking time in assembly
Fun facts could be shared
Birthday certification and sing happy birthday also have birthday badges.