Thursday, 29 October 2009

Let's celebrate our amazing teachers

This Friday 30th October is a very special day. It is World Teachers Day! On this day, all students, support staff, families and communities are encouraged to celebrate the vital and important role that teachers play in society.

It is timely to reflect on the power of a great teacher and what they contribute to both your child(ren) but also to society in general. Teachers contribute in powerful ways to the development of children and help shape them, along with the family, to become the people and citizens of tomorrow. The influence and importance of our teachers cannot be understated, it is teachers who make the difference in schools.

Of course the job of a teacher is easier with support from home, when home and school are working in partnership to enhance the learning of our children.

Please do something to acknowledge your teachers - this could be a small gift or comment or something more significant. If you have a positive comment to make about your teacher you may want to share it as a comment to this blog post.

For more information about World Teachers Day visit this web page...

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

125th Reunion Celebrations

Our 125th Reunion Celebrations were held over the weekend of the 23rd to the 25th of October. These celebrations were a huge success, with a flow of positive feeling about Burnham School.

We have created an alumni web site for past students and staff to join and contribute to, as well as photos from the weekend for everyone to enjoy. Alumni will be able to order photos which were taken by a professional photographer during the Saturday soon.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

ICT Expo at Burnham School

Yesterday a whole number of different schools came from the Selwyn area for the ICT expo. There was lots of interesting stuff, like some schools showed us their blog, web quests, slide shows, clay-mation movie, comic life and lots more. We were the best though with our E-portfolios. 

It was a great time, more things like this should happen at school.

Reported by Adam James Craig Room 6

Monday, 19 October 2009

Assembly Item - Self-belief

Henry Ford once said:
"Whether you think you can or you can’t… you’re right!”
What does this mean for learning? 

How can people discover when they do this and how to improve their 'positive self-talk'?

To the right is the photo of Henry Ford who made this statement. Click here to learn more about Henry Ford...

Assembly Item - being sun smart

Today we had a whole school reflection about sun safety. This is to ensure that children understand the importance of sun safety and our rules at school. The question we discussed was:
"What does it mean to be sun smart and why is it important?"
Some of the thoughts shared are made as comments to this blog post.

Click here for the NZ sunsmart web site for an UV index of our area...

Parents, check this web site for messages which reinforce the "slip-slop-slap and wrap" message....

Friday, 16 October 2009

Reflections on our first week


During my first couple of days I have managed to spend time in every classroom. Children are focussed and engaged in their learning and happy to be back at school. My focus at this stage is to get to know all children and to gain a sense of the 'voice' of our school. This involves starting to learn the names of the children and spending time with them while they are learning. 

I would like to acknowledge the amazing staff we have at Burnham School for the vibrant learning environments they have created with their children. You have got to get into these classrooms - they are very exciting to a be part of! Please come up to me if you see me in classrooms, or around the school, I want to get to know you and your whanau. It is our partnership that will drive learning for your child(ren).

During our first assembly I shared some insights into me as a person and into how these relate to learning. The staff reminded children that now is the time for everyone to be wearing summer uniform, sunhats and appropriate footwear for sport activities. Please see Trish in the office if you are awaiting an order for a sunhat or require a replacement for the one the dog ate!

Another aspect of myself that I shared at assembly is that I would like children and parents to address me as either 'Matua Rob', 'Rob', or 'Mr. Clarke'. I believe an informal, respectful relationship will enhance the learning of your child. I explained that for children, this decision should be based on what their family is comfortable with. There is no expectation that classroom teachers should follow this, however it is important that both children and adults are addressed using the name that belongs to them. I do expect all children to communicate with respect and courtesy to each other and adults. I hope this clarifies my thinking.

Burnham School is such an exciting place to be - it's simply amazing! This is an action-packed term with a whole range of exciting events which will excite and enthuse the children and the community. We are now on the countdown to our reunion weekend celebrations for Labour Weekend. Click here to view the programme for the weekend...

I have loved my first week at Burnham School. It's fantastic to be here with the children and staff and starting to meet you all. Thank you for your friendly welcome.

ka kite ano,

Monday, 12 October 2009

Rob's Powhiri and Handing Over Ceremony

My first day at Burnham School was an extremely special time for me as your new Principal. I feel honoured and extremely touched having experienced the powhiri and handing over ceremony to start my new role in the community. Here are some photos of the FOS (Fendalton Open-air School) manuhiri prior to the ceremony:

I was lucky enough to have my a number of family members with me as well as one of the classes I taught at Fendalton and a number of close colleagues. I wish to express my gratitude to Whāea Lucy for her karanga, Mātua Joe, Chris Thurlow and James Petronelli for their whaikōrero welcoming me and offering me the challenge to help take our school to the next level, which I accept! 

Thanks also to Commander Jim Bliss and Chris Wilson for their support as well as other staff from the base and community members. Finally my thanks goes to the children for their welcome and warm, friendliness. What a wonderful bunch of young people we have at our school!